The Simple Department | September 10, 2022

Hello. We’re The Simple Department.

If you’re here, you may have already seen our website or our Instagram. Or maybe you just wandered in off Google. Regardless, hello! We’re glad you’re here.

You might be wondering who we are and why we call ourselves “simple”?

It’s... simple really. We are a group of creators, marketers, and strategists who have been part of, experienced, and left traditional marketing agency life. We’ve seen how excessive overheads and overwrought processes prevent good work from happening for companies like yours. We’ve seen how complicated it can be to work for and with an agency. And we decided to rebel.

All we want to do is geek out about marketing and create wonderful work by partnering with brilliant people.

But that's not how the industry is built. It is lethargic, antiquated, unnecessarily convoluted, and opaque. Why can't it just be simple, clear, straightforward?

Working with The Simple Department

We won’t make you sign complex agreements or pay excessive overages. Everything has been designed to make things simple – to get to the work and the results faster.

We show up to use our brains and creative problem-solving skills to solve your business and marketing goals. C'est tout, c'est ca. That is all we really do. It is definitely not rocket science (but we do think rocket scientists are pretty cool and interesting).

Get stuff done

We are here to just get that effing graphic done for you. Or maybe you need us to create a super neato product video for your new packaging – heck, we should probably re-do your packaging because we are really good at that too.

Or maybe you need a simple, effective website put together really smartly – because you are not trying to invent web 4.0, and you are barely figuring out this universe, let alone having time to think about the meta-verse.

All you need to do is tell us what you want, your budget, and your goal. If it can be solved with our creative and marketing services, great! You will pay us, we will do it, and we will celebrate over some kombucha (sorry we can't rebel against all of the agency stereotypes).

So, do you want to get stuff done? Or do you want to spend time and money on a dog and pony show (we've never actually been to the kind with animals, but they're bound to be more entertaining than marketing ones)?

That was the long way of saying – this is The Simple Department.

What do you need? We are here to get it done.

Plain & Simple.